Misti Ray for Noblesville School Board
Students First!
Noblesville Native with a Noblesville education & I'm a parent not a politician!

Misti Ray
Why should you vote for Misti?
Having children in the district for 22 years & counting, I’ve seen the shift in numerous areas involving public education, even right here in our hometown. Major changes such as additional (non-academic) responsibilities being placed on the teachers, the decline in academic priorities due to administrative policies, the inclusion of controversial political topics that have no place in the classroom, more and more growth within the community, etc. have all had a negative impact on our children’s academics. Over the last several years we have gravitated away from our district’s core values which, ironically, do not include the word or words “academic” or "education". The school district website promotes “Engage. Inspire. Empower” but says nothing about academics or education. I believe we’re reaching a breaking point & have to address the increased demands placed on our teachers & counselors therefore negatively impacting our children. We have to restore the partnership between the parents & teachers & eliminate the “them vs. us" mentality. The teacher, the student and the parent(s) should be the most important and powerful partnership in education. When this partnership is made a priority and communication is open once again, we’ll see the responsibility of parents, the value of educators, and the success of students restored.
We need truth & transparency! We want communication, we want to be heard as parents & a community, we want our children to come first, not politics & feelings! We want to get back to the basics of teaching academics & stop wasting their education on SEL, CRT & politics! I know for a fact that we have several phenomenal teachers here in our district so let’s get the academics back to the forefront for these teachers & help them help our children!
What can you expect from Misti as a School Board member?
You can expect me to focus on restoring the partnership, trust, transparency & communication between the administration, teachers/staff, parent(s) & the community. Communication also includes allowing additional time for public comments even if the comments do not pertain to agenda items. You can also count on me to be your voice whether you're a teacher, parent or community member even without a school-aged child. When we put the students first, all of this comes naturally!
What makes Misti qualified to be a school board member?
I am the mother of three children & a Noblesville Native who loves Noblesville enough to continue living here while raising my family! I’m a mother of three, wife, daughter, sister, cousin, granddaughter as well as a successful & experienced Realtor of 14 years! We have a 27-year-old, 14-year-old & a 10-year-old. Yes, there is a big age gap & we love it! It has worked out well with our family!
I’ve never really been much into politics, so this is a bit outside of my box. I have, however, always been into volunteering & being involved with my children. Please don’t confuse that with hovering or being a “Helicopter Parent” as those are completely different. Here are a few of my areas of experience:
Served in various roles on the board of the preschool my kiddos attended (Noblesville First United Methodist), including President.
Taught VBS at the same church/preschool for a few years.
Volunteered in various classrooms for elementary school.
Chaired various events at elementary & middle schools.
Held various positions on the PTO including being the current PTO President at NWMS.
Held various roles on the board for an HOA for a few years, including President.
Held various roles on the board for NEFL (Noblesville Elementary Football League) for several years, including board President.
Have been a substitute teacher in the district for nearly six years.
Served on the Reading Review Committee for the district in 2018.
Attended & graduated the Miller Ambassador Academy class of 2018.
As you can see, I’ve been heavily involved in their education in many aspects for several years. I don't do these things to build a resume so this is going by memory. I do these because I like to help people, I like to improve where needed & most importantly, I love being involved with my children!
Remember that age gap I mentioned? Let’s do a little Math: My oldest began Kindergarten at Stony Creek in 2000 & graduated from NHS in August of 2013. My middle child started Kindergarten at Hazel Dell in August of the same year, 2013. My youngest is in the class of 2030 which means by the time my youngest graduates, I will have had a child in Noblesville Schools for a CONSECUTIVE thirty years, yes, 30! This isn’t including my own Noblesville education!